Thursday, January 28, 2010

Is Apple a bunch of iMorons or iMasterminds?

In the field of PR and marketing mistakes happen, of "corse" (HAHA), but PR and marketing pros have really been struggling lately! Most notable is Apple’s latest product: the iPad, otherwise known as, the iTampon. I understand it is the most natural name in the progression of Apple’s product line i.e. iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iTouch. But come on!?

Did Apple do any market research at all? I feel very confident that if Apple had organized a group of men and women in a room together they would have realized iPad might not have been the best name. Perhaps iSlate, or iTablet, or iAnythingexceptiPad.

However, there are two sides to every story. This is the question I pose to you - Did Apple decide to endure the initial joke-making for the buzz they would eventually generate? Could they have predicted this? The iPad cut through all the clutter and everyone knows about the product. Even my 60 year-old mother, who only watches Fox News, understands what the iPad is all about. Talk about reaching a broad market!

What do you think?

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